May 09, 2013

So last night I had a crazy idea upon seeing lemon juice in my grandma's fridge:

oh, I'll add this too my water bottle. Lemon juice has a lot of health benefits, it'll be a good way to get some added nutrition into my life.

Upon doing that, I let it sit in the fridge overnight..& this morning I got an even CRAZIER thought:

oh, I'll add some cayenne pepper to this water. It has a lot of health benefits, it'll be a good way to get some of these benefits into my life. Might as well experiment to see how it affects my body.

WELL.........I filled my entire smart water bottle (24oz) with water, a couple splashes of lemon juice, and probably an entire teaspoon of cayenne pepper. I think my name is synonymous for idiot sometimes.

I took this concoction with me to work, and upon taking my first sip it burned my throat so bad that I felt as if I had thrown up a whole gallon of tabasco sauce. It made my eyes water, and the slight sourness that the lemon provided made my cheeks tingle. So that was bad, but then it got worse. I forced myself to drink the whole thing! Curse my stubborn nature...If I tell myself I'm going to do something, I do it, even if it's a completely miserable experience.. Kind of like that one time I decided to do a week long cleanse {click here to read all about that}.

Each time I took a drink it burned worse than the last time. The weird part was that I couldn't really taste the cayenne pepper until I swallowed that liquid inferno. Once I finished drinking all 24 oz. (it literally took me 4+ hours...) I hurried and went and cleaned out my water bottle so I could fill it up with clean, pure, delicious water. Well, as clean and pure as the water was, I somehow developed a negative association given the moment of that water bottle & just water in general. I gagged drinking normal water--WHAT? I'm still being weaned off of my negative association with water and am coping with a raging headache & a feverish feeling I've had since I finished drinking that filth.

DO NOT DRINK CAYENNE PEPPER AND WATER. It will change/potentially ruin your life.


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1 ounces of lovin'

  1. Oh Megan! You're the best!

    I used to drink Cayenne pepper in orange juice when I had a sore throat, and it was a natural decongestant when I was stuffed up...totally works, if you ever feel like drinking cayenne pepper again! ;)
