May 05, 2013

It's been a while, almost three months--my bad. I have had a hard time coming up with meaningful things to post on here! I'm not sure what's up with that, but here I am..making an effort to come back!

My new little adventure: living at my grandparents house for the summer.

Can I just tell you how excited I am?? While it's going to be extremely different and I am on limited space {with 2 feet of closet space} I am excited for the things I am going to learn from my incredible grandparents.

Day 1 (today): I woke up early to get ready for church and my papa was speed walking around the house--he does that to get in his exercise. I've seen this before but I can't help but giggle every time he does it. Before church I enjoyed some breakfast with my grandparents and this is how the dialogue went:

Papa: "When do you work? We need to set up a schedule for you when you're not there."
Me: "I work Monday through Friday, 9am to 6pm! Sometimes I'll get off earlier though"
Papa: "Okay, Mondays at 6:30 the lawn needs to be mowed. Tuesday after work you're going to come help me plant pumpkin seeds in the garden."
Grandma: "Oh stop it Dennis. Megan don't listen to him."
Me: "It's okay Grandma I want to do that stuff! Okay Papa, what is on Wednesdays?"
Papa: "Um.....We will figure something out."

I then went to church and was giggling. That was only a small snippet of our conversation, a lot consist of my grandparents contradicting each other hilariously, not in a mean way. My grandma usually tells my papa that he needs to stop complaining and my papa usually tells my grandma that she never lets him finish his sentences. Me & my grandma have decided that there is a definite "man syndrome". I'll talk more about that later haha! Despite their little tiffs with each other I know that they adore eachother. I can tell by how they treat each other. It has been pretty fun to get to witness their love for each other so often, and now I get to everyday! I'm ecstatic to say the least.

After lunch, a three hour nap {wait, what?}, and then dinner, I am now sitting here watching Love me Tender with my grandma. She told me I was odd because I didn't really have a favorite TV show, or because I don't really watch TV at all. I just sit here and giggle all the time at the things they say, it's cool, I probably act like a 7 year old but whatever.

This summer is going to be very unique. Why? Well, besides my grandparents and extended family I'm pretty much alone here. Those who I have developed close relationships with are now at least an hour away from me and that's sometimes a little bit scary. My parents have always been in Layton so the adjustment has already been made regarding them being some distance away, but there are some adjustments that are needing to be made. Everyone seems to be getting married, going on missions, moving home, etc...& here I am.  I'm learning a lot, but sometimes it's hard when everyone seems to leave at once! But I am more happy for the adventures these people are undertaking than I am sad to see them go. It's time for me to make some new friends, which let's be real, is not a strong suit of mine. I love people and I love getting to know them, but initially it takes me some time. So, I'm praying that despite my weakness I will be able to overcome my little struggles. & I know I can because of my Savior.

Summer should be good. Alone, but not lonely. Time for some major growth. Just want to shout out to my amazing parents who have helped me so much recently, they truly are angels. Lots of moving, lots of almost and complete meltdowns {on my part}, but they're patient with me. I guess it's partially because they're stuck with me forever mwahahaha, but mostly because they love me. I am blessed beyond my means.


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