A real kick in the pants.

July 15, 2013

This summer so far has been a real kick in the pants, in every way possible. Sometimes a kick in the pants is that slight exciting kick to your bottom that gets you moving at a significantly more motivated pace. Sometimes, it's that kick in the *whistle* that hurts like none other {so I imagine}, but you recover nonetheless. This summer has kind of been both at the same time, if that's possible. All these unique experiences I have encountered have made for some serious excitement of my emotions and partial exhaustion of them as well.

The exhaustion usually presents itself in the form of me waking up every morning feeling like this:

& on most days, my hair looks like this in the morning. Or an inverted style of that {notice picture above...}

Which is truly unfortunate because equipped with my exhaustion in the morning is the lack of a desire to get ready, or do/fix my hair, or to even really take a shower because the last thing I want to do in the morning is get out of the glorious shower--but hey, responsibility calls {usually in the form of a freezing cold rush of air that reminds me that life exists after taking a shower}. 

The excitement usually presents itself in the form of outside sources, mostly the variety of great people I’ve met so far this summer & the lessons that they’ve taught me. And how I’m caught off guard by the fact that I kind of think being social is more fun than I ever gave it credit for {my previous roommates are shaking their heads right now as they’re reading this..}, it has surprised even me that this little hermit crab is starting to venture out of her shell more than ever before. & while I find that it’s still slightly intimidating—being exposed and crawling out of the comfort of my own shell—it’s been far more rewarding. People see you for what you are when you’re not disguising yourself as a shell. 

Life is good. People are great. Variety keeps everything more interesting, so I have no complaints. God is watching out for me and answering my prayers--he knows just what I need. Reason alone to be happy in this crazy world.


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  1. Thanks for this Megan, I also need to come out of my shell lately. :)
