Prompt #2: 10 Ways to Win my Heart

July 17, 2013

in no particular order 
{to all those prospective bachelors out there, listen up}:

1.     Be a little nerdy. I don’t care what it is, because chances are that I enjoy it too. Star Wars is a big plus, but I likewise love LOTR, raptors, solo dance parties in the kitchen and reading on a Sunday afternoon.

2.     Have a great appreciation for things of the 90s. If you find yourself watching Boy Meets World, listening to tracks from the “Jock Jam’s” CD, knowing every word to “Ice, Ice, Baby”, or assembling a guitar out of kinex while watching general conference, we’ll probably be a good match.

3.     It’s important to me that we worship the same things. So if you love God, and live like it, that’ll probably be a great way to get closer to my heart.

4.     Health is important to me. Take care of yourself {by being physical, &/or eating nutritiously} and I will like you more. Easy.

5.     If you have an ambitious heart, our hearts will be friends. I like people who have big goals of doing great things and seeing many places.

6.     If you’re the type of person who finds happiness in laboring for the sake of other people’s happiness, 1up.

7.     Don’t be flirty with every girl that walks. Or doesn’t walk. Whatever, if it’s female, and you’re all up on every one that exists, peace out home slice. I won’t even waste my time.

8.     Be honest. Don’t say or withhold things to people (especially me) just to “make them feel good”, or “not make them feel bad.” That’s stupid. & I don’t enjoy that. Be a real person and own up to your feelings and opinions.

9.     Be punctual and committed to the plans you make with me. Few things peeve me more than when someone says to me “I’m leaving my house,” then they show up 45 minutes later. This may be a flaw of yours, but you know what it reads? “Sorry, you came last on the importance totem pole tonight, even after I made plans with you."

10. Be an old-fashioned chivalrous gentleman. Open the doors for me. Slow dance with me sometimes. Pick me up when we go out. Take me out on dates sometimes.

I realized writing this list, there are plenty more ways to my heart than I have room to include. But hey, enjoy! 


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