yesterday was plain awful

June 26, 2012

but today was GREAT!!!! seriously. i shall tell you about it.
i'll be honest, i woke up & was pretty depressed about some stuff that occurred yesterday. i was super anxious. my jaw is in serious pain because i've developed this bad habit of gritting my teeth when i'm anxious, which i have been lately. but today, wow.

my YSA stake did this walk to the temple thing like a month ago before i knew this ward existed, well, i was a little bit sad when i found out they did this because i would have loved to join! well, i decided today to take a bike ride to the temple.

I made it.

400 North in bountiful, good heavens. that hill, extremely steep..and after having ridden around 22 or so miles, that was a little bit tiring. not to mention the heat!!

well, anyways, i took a quicker way home, i'm not actually sure the exact total but it was more than 30, probably less than 40 miles. notes to self: WEAR SUNSCREEN, maybe someday get a bike with gears, yea, that would change the world, don't bite your lip in concentration [my lip is literally bruised, and noticeably too.]--never noticed i did that so much until today. but seriously, this was strangely an awesome spiritual experience for me. helped me put a lot of things into perspective.

K onto the next event. I went & got my temple recommend renewed, & can I just say I already know that my Bishop is an incredible guy? he helped me receive answers to something that has been causing much stress in my life lately and gave me an awesome book that i look forward to reading. that was much needed.

AAAFTER this, I went to institute & it was incredible! Another answer was received to said current stressful situation and it was so great to feel that reassurance that the answer i thought i had received was indeed the right answer.

life is looking up. i'm takin control of my life. & after today i've decided biking is going to become my next thing. like ACTUAL biking. my beach cruiser rocks n all, but i wouldn't suggest doing a 30 mile ride with it, especially going down steep hills, i could just see the brakes going out & me go zooming to my death. i also got a delicious lemonade from chick-fil-a. that always makes a good day even greater.
welp. i'm out. feeling better today about myself.


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  1. I'm being 100% sincere when I say this...I am AMAZED. That hill is the absolute worst! Sometimes I worry that my car won't make it haha let alone me on a bike. Awesome work making it all the way there! I'm glad you had such a great experience :)

    1. Thanks Rachel :) It seriously was a beast I won't lie, I have no idea how I was able to do it. Looks like you're having fun in Europe! Happy for ya :)!
